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Diabetes affects more than 18 million people in the United States. It keeps the body from properly using the energy from food. Its symptoms — such as thirst, unusual weight loss or increased tiredness — may seem harmless at first. But they could mean you have diabetes.

Left untreated, diabetes can result in serious health problems. Early diagnosis and treatment can significantly reduce complications.


We can help you manage your diabetes

Many American Health Network (AHN) offices offer our diabetes management program. It can dramatically reduce emergency room and hospital visits.

Other benefits include:

  • You’ll learn about the latest medical therapies and living with diabetes. 
  • We’ll give you a device to test your blood sugar at home and teach you how to use it.
  • We’ll also give you information about tests, treatment plans, and food and exercise guidelines.

To learn more, talk to your doctor. Or click on "Find care" below.

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Health management programs

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